

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Recruitment Notification for Various Posts in WCD Welfare Department, Vikarabad District

Department of Child Welfare, Women Child Disabled and Elderly Welfare Department, Vikarabad District invites applications from eligible candidates for the following vacancies on a contractual basis.

1. Social worker – Female – 1
2. Out Reach Worker ( ORW ) – 1
3. Shishugruha Manager – 1
4. Shishugruha Social Worker – 1
5. Shishugriha Aaya – 1

The application should be downloaded Filled details and submitted to WCWDO, Collectorate Complex, Vikarabad

03/11/2022 16/11/2022 View (1 MB) ICPS Recruit Application Form (120 KB)
Mid-Level Health Provider, the Merit List for the Selection under 1:3 ratio

It is to inform that, as per recruitment process vide notification number 04/2022, Dated:07/09/2022 for the post of Mid Level Health Provider, the Merit List for the Selection under 1:3 ratio , for the same all the selected applicants as per the list enclosed are instructed to attend the counseling from 9.00 AM on 14/11/2022 along with all the Original Certificates to be conducted at D.P.R.C Building, Madgul Chittempally, Vikarabad district, and the scrutiny process starts from 10.30 AM onwards.

Note : Applicants will not be allowed strictly after 12.30PM on 14/11/2022.

12/11/2022 15/11/2022 View (2 MB)
MLHP Provision List

As part of the National Health Mission program, the Mid Level Health Provider (MLHP) Village Hospital of Vikarabad District Medical and Health Department has invited applications from eligible MBBS, BAMS, and Nursing candidates to work on a contract basis and after scrutinizing the applications, provisional merit of those eligible. the candidates to go through this list and contact the office directly if they have any objections from the 29th to the 30th of this month.

The list has been removed at the request of DMHO, Vikarabad. By 11:00 AM on 30.09.2022, the new list will be updated.

29/09/2022 30/09/2022 View (32 KB)
Recruitment of Mid Level Health Provider (MLHP) Notification
 In accordance with Letter No.96/NUHM/HWC/NHM/2017of the MD-NHM & CHFW, Telangana, Dt: 06.09.2022 under National Health Mission, applications are called till 17.9.2022  for the Posts of Mid Level Health Providers (MLHPs) to work on Contract Basis at Health Wellness Centres/Palle Dawakhanas.
  Applicants with M.B.B.S and B.A.M.S are Eligible.  Applicants who have graduated B.Sc Nursing Year 2020 onwards are eligible and, applicants who have graduated B.Sc Nursing/G.N.M before the Year 2020 should have done a Community Health bridge Programme of 6 months issued by IGNOU are eligible.
16/09/2022 17/09/2022 View (329 KB)
Applications are invited for the Post of Medical Officer and for the post of Staff Nurse at Basti Dawakhana

Applications are invited from the M.B.B.S Qualified Candidates for the Post of Medical Officer and BSc/GNM Qualified Candidates for the post of Staff Nurse at Basti Dawakhana from 11/07/2022 to 15/07/2022 from 11.00 AM to 04.00 PM at the Office of the District Medical and Health Officer, Vikarabad district. Further, the Candidates should be enclosing all the Photo Copies of all the relevant Certificates (Educational/Community) along with the application required for Recruitment.

11/07/2022 15/07/2022 View (69 KB) Application form (319 KB)
Application form for the Post of Medical Officer in Palle Dawakhaana

Applications are invited from the M.B.B.S Qualified Candidates for the Post of MLHP/Medical Officer at Palle Dawakhaana from 21/06/2022 to 02/07/2022 from 11.00 AM to 05.00 PM at the Office of the District Medical and Health Officer, Vikarabad district.

Further, the Candidates should be enclosing all the Photo Copies of all the relevant Certificates (Educational/Community) along with the application required for Recruitment.

21/06/2022 02/07/2022 View (987 KB) Acknowledgement (307 KB)

All the applicants who applied for the post of Staff Nurse on a contract basis at O/o.DM&HO, VIKARABAD District are hereby informed that the Provisional List of Staff Nurse is displayed and the applicants are requested to submit their objections if any in writing with relevant documents to the Administrative Officer, O/o.DM&HO, Vikarabad District only, on during working hours in (3) working days from 22-03-2022 to 24-03-2022.

Objections if any which are submitted to any other officer or in any other office will not be accepted and objections that are submitted after 24-03-2022 will be rejected.

22/03/2022 24/03/2022 View (2 MB)
Applications invited for 22 Staff Nurse Posts in Various Programmes under NHM

Applications invited for 22 Staff Nurse Posts in Various Programmes under NHM District Medical & Health Office Vikarabad District.

03/02/2022 05/02/2022 View (176 KB) Application form for Staff Nurse (130 KB)
Provisional List for the post of (13) Staff Nurse SNCU, NRC, NBSU, and post of (27) ANMs DM&HO Vikarabad.

1. Provisional list for the post of (13) Staff Nurse SNCU, NRC, NBSU, if any Objections from the applicants submit in 3 working days I.e 29-01-2022, 31-1-2022 & 1-02-2022. If you have any queries Contact the DM&HO office in Vikarabad District.

2. Provisional list for the post of (27) ANMs DM&HOVikarabad. if any Objections from the applicants submit in 3 working days I.e 29-01-2022, 31-1-2022 & 1-02-2022.If you have any queries Contact the DM&HO office in Vikarabad District.

28/01/2022 02/02/2022 View (6 MB) Staff Nurse P1 (6 MB) Staff Nurse P2 (8 MB)
Applications invited for Different Cadre under NHM in DMHO, Vikarabad

Applications invited for different cadre under NHM and Outsourcing in District Medical and Health Office, Vikarabad. Please see all attachments for detailed information.

06/01/2022 10/01/2022 View (287 KB) GUIDELINES STS,STLS,TB-HV (538 KB) GUIDELINES Refrigerator Mechanics in the district on an outsourcing basis (573 KB) GUIDELINES Psychiatrist (797 KB) GUIDELINES FOR PHARMA & LT. (143 KB) Application Form. (130 KB)