GO:72 – Lock down measures extended
Publish Date : 01/06/2020
In view of the continued need for measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the State, lockdown measures shall be continued till 7th June 2020 outside Containment Zones and till 30th June 2020 in Containment Zones. For more details Please see GO MS.72
MHA has issued orders for extension of lockdown in Containment Zones till 30th June 2020 and reopening of prohibited activities in a phased manner in areas outside Containment Zones.
The matter has been examined. It is decided that in areas outside Containment Zones, the lockdown orders, which are currently in force, shall stand extended till 7th June 2020 with the following modifications:
I. Restriction on movement of persons (other than for accessing emergency medical care) shall apply from 9 PM to 5 AM. No shops/establishments, except hospitals and pharmacies, will remain open after 8 PM.
ii. There shall be no restriction on the inter-state movement of persons. No separate permission will be required for such movements.
In respect of Containment Zones, provisions of lockdown order, which are currently in force, shall stand extended till 30th June 2020.
In exercise of powers conferred under the Disaster Management Act 2005, the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson, State Executive Committee hereby issues directions to all Departments of Government of Telangana, Collectors & District Magistrates and Commissioners / Superintendents of Police in the State to strictly implement the above orders with immediate effect